Free Christian
Prayer Journal Pages
To Help You Connect With God Through Prayer
Pray Without
Ceasing~1 Thessalonians 5:17
Have you ever thought of keeping a Christian prayer journal, but was
not sure exactly where to start?
Well, these free prayer journal pages are
here to give you a bit of direction.
Keep A Christian Prayer Journal?
God wants us to:
Pray in
the Spirit at all times and on every
Stay alert and be
persistent in your prayers
for all believers
everywhere.-Ephesians 6:18 (NLT)
Keeping a Christian prayer journal helps you to do this in many ways.
- It keeps you focused during prayer. Have
you ever been praying to yourself. The next thing you know, you are
thinking about the day’s To
Do List or something
else totally off topic? It has happened to every believer!
But God wants our prayer time to be
forced on Him. It is the only way that He can give us the strength we
need to make it through today's To
Do List.
Writing your prayers down does just
that - It keeps them focused.
- It’s a great way to build your faith!
When you are going through a trial, it is great to have the Word of God
there by your side. You can read through all of the times God came
through for His people.
But, sometimes, it is even better to
have your own prayer journal there to build your faith. You can read
through all of the answered prayers in your own life. It is a ready
reminder of God’s faithfulness to you when you need it most.
- Over time, it will develop into a beautiful love
story between you and the Lord. Your Christian prayer journal
become a historical document that chronicles your entire walk with God.
It will hold all of the truths that He reveals to your heart throughout
your journey with Him. The documentation of God's great provision for
your family through the years can become an heirloom to pass on to
future generations.
- Bible Scripture study journals are an excellent
way to delve deeper into God’s Word. When you journal on the
things God reveals to you personally through His Word, the letters no
longer just sit on the pages.
Journaling makes God’s Word real, and
allows Him to reveal what they mean for you exactly where you are today.
God has really been working with me to develop a daily time with Him
where it is just He and I. I call this my Time Apart.
I would suggest that you develop a regular
habit of spending Time
Apart with God as well. You
probably feel like you do not have the time to do this. But, I
guarantee that it will make the rest of your day more productive and
fruitful for you and for God.
Prayer +
Faith = Power Audio
Bible Study
Invite the Lord into your life in
special way with these prayer journals.
Free Christian Prayer Journal Pages
Click on the images below to download the prayer journals of your
Prayer Journal |
7 Day
Armor of God Study Journal |
7 Day
Psalm 91 Study Journal |
Bible Study Notebook |
Christian Prayer Journal Pages in The Hem's
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And it 's available to all Christians with a heart and passion
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