Tapping Into Your Biblical Spiritual Gifts
Lesson 3 of Spiritual Gifts Bible Study

All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.
~1Correnthians 12:27-28 (NLT)

Tapping into Biblical Spiritual Gifts Man praying

By this time in the course, we understand that the Holy Spirit determines which Biblical Spiritual Gifts we are given (1Corr. 12:11b). But, how do we tap into them?

Well, there are 9 powerful ingredients in this dynamic recipe that you will need to combine.

You start off with a few cups of faith, two table spoons of discipline, and a whole lot of walking in love!

Collectively, these ingredients are known as the Fruits of the Spirit.

But, we are going to talk in more depth about the Fruits of the Holy Spirit in another study.

For now, let’s go back to 1Corinthians and see what is mentioned there about our role in tapping into these gifts.

Building Your Spiritual Muscles

God tells us to "earnestly desire and zealously cultivate" the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corr 12:31-AMP).

This means that it is our responsibility to passionately nurture and grow the gifts that the Holy Spirit plants inside of our spirit.

Think of the Holy Spirit living inside of you like your spiritual muscles. The more you use your spiritual muscles, the stronger they become.

How do you exercise spiritually? By spending time alone with God in prayer and fellowship. The more time you spend in the presence of God, the more He will transform you into the person He created you to be.

You will begin to notice yourself growing spiritually, emotionally, and in every other area of your life.

But, of course, exercising alone doesn't get you as far as Exercising + Proper nutrition.

Biblical Spiritual Gifts- studying the BibleWhat is your proper spiritual nutrition?

The Word of God.

The more you dig into the Word and meditate on it, the more you begin to renew your mind (Rom. 12:2). 

The Holy Spirit will begin to transform you into the Christian you have always wanted to be.

Immersing yourself in God’s Word and His Spirit will allow God to develop the mind of Christ inside of you (1Corr. 2:16). As you do this, your will becomes more in line with God’s will. God will be able to trust you with the power that His Spiritual Gifts have to offer.

Spiritual Gifts Bible Study
Lesson 3: Tapping Into Your Biblical Spiritual Gifts

Reflection Questions

1. Reflect on the things you've learned throughout this Biblical Spiritual Gifts study. What one thing was the most significant? Why?

2. Do you think that you devote enough time to proper "spiritual nutrition and exercise?" If not, make a list of things that you would like to work on and try implementing one of them this week.

3. Optional Activity: Take some time to think about what your destiny might be. Write it out on a piece of paper and cast a vision for yourself. Write out how you believe God wants you to impact the world for Him. If you are not sure, pray and ask Him to show you why He created you. Watch and listen closely over the next few days for His response.

You have now completed the Spiritual Gifts Bible study.

You probably realize by now that tapping into your Biblical Spiritual Gifts takes work. That is why there are so few people in the Body of Christ who have actually manifested the Gifts of the Spirit that God has for them.

But, you do not have to do this on your own. The Holy Spirit is here to be your Helper (John 16:7-AMP). As He dwells inside of you, He will bare the Fruits of the Spirit.  

In your next Holy Spirit Bible study, find out how developing the Fruits of the Spirit can give you the strength and discipline that you need to tap into your Biblical Spiritual Gifts and fulfill you destiny.  

Spiritual Gifts Bible Study
Lesson 1: Do We All Have Access to Spiritual Gifts?
Lesson 2: What are Spiritual Gifts?
Lesson 3: Tapping Into your Biblical Spiritual Gifts.

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